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United States of America - US Patent and Trademark Office
European Patent Office - European Patent Office
United Kingdom - UK Patent Office
United Kingdom - Intellectual Property UK
World Intellectual Property Organisation - WIPO

Algeria - L'Institut National Algérien de la Propriété Industrielle
Andorra - Oficina de Marques del principat d'Andorra (OMPA)
Argentina - Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial
Armenia - Republic of Armenia
Australia - IP Australia
Austria - Österreichischen Patentamt
Benelux - Benelux Trademarks Office
Belgium - Belgian Office for Industrial Property
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brazil - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial
Bulgaria - Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria
Canada - The Canadian Intellectual Property Office
China - State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China
Croatia - State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia
Cuba - Oficina Cubana de la Propiedad Industrial
Czech Republic - Úøad Prùmyslového Vlastnictví
Denmark - The Danish Patent Office
Estonia - The Estonian Patent Office
Eurasia - Eurasian Patent Organization
Egypt - Egyptian Patent office
Finland - National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
France - Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle
Germany - Deutsches Patentamt Online
Georgia - Georgian Industrial Property Organisation
Greece - Greek Industrial Property Organisation
Gulf Cooperation Council - Patent Office of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
Hong Kong - Intellectual Property Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Hungary - The Hungarian Patent Office
Iceland - Einkaleyfastofan
India - Indian Patent Design & Trademarks Offices
India - NIC Indian Patent Design & Trademarks Offices
Indonesia - Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights
Ireland - Irish Patent Office
Israel - Israeli Patent Office
Italy - The Italian Patent and Trademark Office
Italy - Ministero dell'Industria, del Commercio e dell'Artigianato
Japan - The Japanese Patent Office
Jordan - Ministary of Industry and Trade
Kenya - Kenya Industrial Property Office (KIPO)
Republic of Korea - Korean Industrial Property Office
Kyrgyz Republic - The State Agency of Science and Intellectual Property under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
Latipat - Latin American Patents
Latvia - Patent Office of the Republic of Lativa
Liechtenstein - Liechtensteinische Landesbibliothek
Lithuania - The State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania
Luxembourg - Ministère de l'Economie Service de la Propriété Intellectuelle
Macao - The Economic Services of the Macao Special Administrative Region
Macedonia - Industrial Property Protection Office of the Republic of Macedonia
Malaysia - Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri Dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna
Mexico - Instituto Mexicano de la Propiedad Industrial
Moldovia - State Agency on Industrial Porperty Protection
Monaco - Direction de l'Expansion Économique Division de la Propriété Intellectuelle
Morocco - Moroccan Office for Industrial and Commercial Property
Netherlands - Bureau voor de Industriële Eigendom
Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand - Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand
Norway - Norwegian Patent Office
OHIM - Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market - Office of the European Union
Panama - Ministerio De Comercio E Industrias República De Panamá
Peru - Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual
Philippines - Philippines Intellectual Property Office
Poland - Patent Office of the Republic of Poland
Portugal - Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial
Romania - The Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM)
Russia - Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks
Russia - Federal Institute of Industrial Property
Saudi Arabia - General Directorate of Patents
Singapore - Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
Slovak Republic - Urad Priemyselneho Vlastnictva Slovenskej Republiky
Slovak Republic [English] - Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic
Slovenia - Slovenian Intellectual Property Office
South Korea Korean Intellectual Property Office
Spain - Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas
Sweden - Swedish Patent and Registration Office
Switzerland - Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property
Tajikistan - NPI Center
Thailand - Thailand Department of Intellectual Property
Taiwan - Taiwan Intellectual Property Office
Turkey - Türk Patent Enstitüsü
Ukraine - State Patent Office Of Ukraine
Uzbekistan - State Patent Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Yugoslavia - Intellectual Property Office Yugoslavia

Other sites with links to Patent Offices
European Patent Office
James W Piper & Co Patent Information Service
Verweise auf andere Seiten Patentämter und Patentinformation
WIPO links
IP Australia
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
Patent Offices on the Internet
Moscow Patent Bureau
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
Phillips Ormonde & Fitzpatrick IPMenu

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